Sea of cannabis green
Sea of Green (SOG) relates to growing a high number of cannabis plants which are intentionally matured at an early stage in order to achieve fast bud production. Rather than growing a small volume of plants for the full term, a similar space would be used to grow a sizeable harvest of smaller plants intended to reach the maturity stage in a shorter time frame. A benefit of this is that the timeframe between harvests is a lot less. And this could help when you consider covering the cost of expenses like the electricity bill. A continuous harvest is achieved if you are able to have one crop maturing while another is just starting. A process of this type can be maintained year-round. A set-up with the four plants for every square ft is an ideal start for the seeds. A single plant for every sq ft is ideal to provide the desired space to grow, but might limit the quality of the bottom branching. This isn't really a concern with an indoor growth set-up since many of the lower branches are likely to experience shading and aren't able to develop unless extra space and light is provided. Many of the growers soon noticed that the indoor plants that reach a sufficient height aren't able to produce a desirable amount of branches at the bottom to really make the extra growth time-frame worth while. But this principle is likely to vary if the intention is to move the plants to an outside location in the summer where a shading / light issue isn't likely to be a concern.
A harvest starting at the same point is likely to produce something that is known as a green canopy and effectively blocks the light from penetrating the top layer of the plant life. A minimal amount of light is able to reach the lower branches as the plants are situated so close to each other. A cultivator is more interested on the upper section of the plants and uses the space and light to create the most preferable crop. A trellising like nylon poultry fence is likely to benefit in supporting the plants since they are likely to be quite top-heavy and might start drooping with the weight of the fruiting tops. Alternatively, it might be just as productive to use stakes although it might be difficult to reach the plants that are in the back or middle of the harvest.
A high proportion of growers will be interested in the tall plants since they are able to offer a more desirable yield for each of the plants. But you might find that it can be beneficial to grow smaller plants in the restricted areas that mature at quite a fast rate. The process of sea of green was originally created in Holland. Rather than growing four large size cannabis plants in a single room, it would be possible to include 12 small plants on a single shelf with 12 more on a further shelf. Plant growth is likely to last in the region of three to four months which covers the stage of germination to the full-grown buds. The process of harvesting can take place on a constant bases provided that space is provided for both the flowering and vegetative stage. A complete harvest is likely to take up to 60 days.
It isn't just the height of plant, but also the quality and maturity that needs taking into consideration. A harvest with double the plants grown at 50% of the size is just as likely fill out the growth area twice as quick, which means it is possible to produce crops at more regular intervals. Get into a habit of choosing the plants likely to flower early and use those at the highest possible quality.
A set-up including 6 inch containers (square shaped) offers sufficient space for four plants per sq ft. A 12 square-foot closet is likely to offer adequate space for up to 48 seedlings on a single shelf unit. An alternative option might include using rockwool cubes, which might offer the ability to include even more seedlings on a single shelf.
If looking for indoor flowering, an ideal layout is likely to include them in one plant per square foot for achieving the Sea of Green. A harvest with less plants means that the space isn't fully used and that could mean the cost in relation to electricity will be higher and timeframe to achieve the ideal harvest is that much longer. A set-up with a higher ratio of plants per square foot is likely to mean that plants are overly crowded and appear with more stem than bud, which is likely to produce a less than desirable crop.
It certainly helps if you are able to prevent topping the plants if hoping to see a very fast growing harvest. A plant that is trained with twist ties or similar is certain to help with the bushing out process. A plastic tie can be used to carefully bend the upper section of the plant so that it is at 90 to 180° and can be secured to the stem at a lower area of the plant life. Leave in place for about seven days and then release. Using this technique it is beneficial to teach the plants to rely less on the upright space and also helps with promoting the bushier growth. The reason that it is able to work is that this technique causes a hormonal condition that encourages growth with the low-level internodes.
SOG relates to encouraging the growth of the plants to help with harvesting the top section of the plants. Branches at the bottom half of the plant can be trimmed to encourage airflow beneath the blanket created by the developing tops. Any cuttings taken from the bottom branches can be used for producing a clone since they are the most straightforward area of the plant to being rooting. This is also the area of the plant that is able to regenerate the fastest after the flowering process has taken place.