Cloning an cannabis plant
Cannabis plant cloning is a process referred to as asexual reproduction. A cutting is clipped from a female plant in the vegetative state and planted in a hydroponic soil to encourage growth as a separate entity. Any produced offspring will have the exact identity of the initial plant.
A difficult aspect of cloning is the ability to preserve the characteristics of the most desirable plants. A well-planned cloning process is able to create a significant amount of growth options from a single plant and gives the option to fill a growth area with the plants offering the most desirable genetics. If able to identify the plant that you wish to clone for the foreseeable future, you have the opportunity of keeping the genetics alive for the long-term. However it might benefit to create a copy in the unfortunate event that the original should die out. A clone might be produced from a clone approx 15 to 20 times so there is no need to be concerned about a drop-off in vigour.
Cloning has the potential to open the risk of pests or fungus causing a detrimental impact to the entire crop, so it is an essential to select those plants that are able to offer resilience to potential pest or fungus issues. Select a plant that is able to reproduce in relation to the desired potency, resistance to pests, growth rate, and health qualities. Determining factors are likely to relate to the type of buzz and quality of the high.
You want to be taking the cuttings for creating the clones at the vegetative grow stage and prior to progressing into the flowering stage. Cutting the low branches on the plants is able to help with improving air circulation. Rooted clones are relocated to the area of the plants in the vegetative growth stage, and freshly developed clones are able to start growing in the specified cloning area. A growth cycle for each of the stages is likely to last in the region of one to two months, which should give the opportunity to grow the various stages on a constant basis, and produce a harvest every one and half to two months.
In the cloning process you will likely notice that certain plants are going to be significantly more difficult to achieve the desired results. A plant like Big Bug is often difficult to clone. And Mr. Kona is able to provide high-quality pot but is again one of the plants that are difficult to clone. It might be necessary to test a variety of plants until you are able to achieve the desired results. If you are able to appreciate the hallucinogenic properties of a well combined sativa / indica hybrid you aren't likely to seek the Indica plant in the future. However, a pure indica plant is able to display great medical properties, so it might be worthwhile maintaining a few quality strains in the collection.
Once a plant is successfully harvested you are able to try it out to determine whether it is worth cloning. Ideally, you want to look at selecting two or three of the harvest plants to clone based on personal sampling. A cloned plant is regenerated by locating in an area able to provide a constant source of light. Within a period of two weeks you should have access to a number of vegetative cuttings to make certain that you are able to preserve and clone the favoured plants. It certainly benefits to maintain a chosen female plant in its vegetative stage to guarantee that you are able to keep this specific strain alive and available for cloning in the future. If you don't take the precaution of maintaining the mother plant there is the concern that you could kill off a favourite strain.
In a period of 2 months, it is likely to be possible to clone any of the marijuana plants. A plant that has progressed to flowering can be cloned, but the actual process is likely to take significantly longer. In most cases it benefits to wait and reproduce the vegetative plants which have progressed to the harvest stage. A solitary harvested / regenerated plant is literally able to provide 100s of fresh cuttings. Prior to progressing with the cuttings it can benefit to limit the nitrogen the plant is able to receive for a period of seven days or so. This should ensure the plant isn't exceedingly green as this is likely to require a longer period for the rooting process. Pruning is likely to mean that a cutting is taken from the lower third of the plant. Aim to cut the fresh growth tips in the vegetative phase with established plants at three to five inches in length and diameter stem at 1/5 to 1/10 inch. Tools used for cutting the plants might include a sterile X-acto knife (flamed) or razor blade. Cuttings should be placed in container filled with distilled water combined with one quarter tablespoon of Peters 5-50-17 for each gallon. Look at cutting the lower .2-inch of the clone while in the mixture and submerged. Make the cut in a diagonal direction. Lift out the clone from the container and place in a preferred cloning solution. Make certain to read the instructions to fully understand the use of the cloning solution. Finally, use RootToneF to dust and relocate the chosen soil or medium.
A plant is cloned more effectively with the ideal high humidity, subdued lighting, aerated tray, and liquid rooting solution. Alternatively, a cutting located in 1 inch rockwool cubes in an enclosed tray also works quite effectively. If using a closet, it might be a practical option to create sufficient space at the top of the growth area so that warmth of the lamps are able to help maintain the tray temperature, and should avoid the need to rely on investing in specialist equipment like a agricultural heating pad or aquarium heater. An ideal option is likely to include a 4-inch fluorescent lamp. Lamps need to be left on constantly and the roots should be able to provide cuttings within a two or three week time-frame.
In most cases you will notice that the liquid rooting solutions are quite cost-effective to purchase. Also, a greenhouse encloser or tray cover is equally desirable if wishing to bring up the humidity level to the ideal range of approx 90%. A liquid rooting solution is found to be significantly more productive at promoting growth than the powder alternatives. Common choices include dipNgrow, Woods, and Olivia.
Combine a cloning solution at low strength of Epsom salts, trace elements, and high P plant food (like the Peter 5-50-17) then relocate the plants in the rooting mixture according to the guidelines on the label. Each of the nutrients mentioned should be included in minimal amounts (about 25% of what might be needed for growing plants). An easier option might be to use a ready-made solution like Olivia Rooting Solution. Other ingredients can be included such as corn syrup which is noted to help with supplementing the sugars required by the plants throughout the clone process.
For increased chance of success a product like RoottoeF, which is a powder fungicide, is able to reduce the chances of plants being spoiled by fungus. This extra caution might be highly beneficial since fungus is certain to be attracted to the conditions that you are aiming to create throughout the rooting process, which is - high humidity, 72 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit, and mild light.
If using rookwool there isn't any requirement to aerate the mixture, just make certain to maintain the cubes in the solution at ¼ inch in depth to guarantee the desired moist environment. It will help if you are able to plant the clones so that they are spaced evenly. Watering on a day-to-day basis is also a practical choice to make certain that the clones are kept fresh and moist. If an unhealthy clone is detected they should be instantly removed to avoid infecting the healthy starts.
A further option is available in the cloning process and that includes the process of floating the cuttings in a container filled with the desired solution and resting on styrene sheets or polystyrene disposable plates, which have sufficient holds and allows the leaves and tops of plants out of the water. Large leaves can be removed to lower the demand required of the fresh rooting stalk. The container solution can be aerated with a bubble stone and air pump. An ideal temperature is in the region of 72 to 80°F. Replace the mixture on a daily basis if you aren't relying on the pump and air stone. This should ensure the ideal oxygen level is constantly present for the cuttings. In a period of seven days, you can clip any of the leaves that are yellowing to limit water demand the plants begin to root.
Invest in one of the containers or trays with a see-through covers intended for rooting at a garden centre. It is important to maintain high humidity for the clones. An alternative option to the professional growth tray and cover for the cuttings can include an ice crest with the top covered with cellophane and a lamp positions over the top shining down.
A further option includes the ability to locate the cuttings in floral foam which is moist and holed or use vermiculite in suitably sized container. Make certain the cuttings are kept in a moist state at all times. A product like jiffy peat cubes isn't likely to provide the desired results in the cloning process. Position the initial cubes in a container and desired solution. Inspect the cubes twice-daily to maintain ideal moist condition, avoid drenching the cubes and make certain they aren’t allowed to dry out. In about two or three weeks, the first of the rootlets will be noticed. It is now possible to relocate the clones to the main growth area and avoid disturbing the roots in the transplant stage.
One successful cultivator reveals their success with a very high rate with cloning roots using the following process:
Prepare the cuttings by clipping the larger-sized leaves on the tip. Give time to heal.
Hold the cuttings underwater and cut the stem in a diagonal direction
Put the clippings in Rootone and then position them approx two inches deep in 16 ounce cup of ½ perlite and ½ vermiculite, and placed inside a Styrofoam cooler.
Cuttings should be sprayed with a very mild fertiliser solution.
Make certain the top of the caller is covered with something like Saran Warp, which should be ventilated with punched holes.
Locate the cooler in an area that is able to offer low light, mild temperatures, and the ability to provide the daily sprays.
Within a period of three week's the cuttings should be in a position of rooting.
Cloning isn't as straightforward as using seeds to grow the cannabis plants. A regular seed is likely to result in plants that are 18 inches high within a period of six weeks. However, with the cloning process it can take up to six weeks just for the plant to begin the new growth and sprout roots. You will certainly find that cannabis seeds are the fastest-growing option if you have the internal space available to create the growth area. It is likely to benefit to at least grow several buds from the actual cannabis seeds, even if your main intention is to clone the favourite plants, since this will avoid the possibility of being wiped out and having no available plants left.
A great process is to clone in rookwool as this is highly effective and it isn't necessary to make use of an air pump. Starter cubes for rockwool are relatively inexpensive. A decent sized plastic container or try is able to hold a good number of cubes in a desired nutrient solution. And can easily be relocated to a larger growth area when the roots start to develop.