Planting cannabis outdoors
In most situations the outside production of cannabis plants is more effective. Pot grown outside is significantly stronger due to its ability to attract more light. No concern with electricity bills, no dark hours which limit the use of the grow room, and no concern with light leak issues. Natural sunlight is certain to reach a higher percentage of the plant, especially for those that are planted in direct line to the sun. An issue with the indoor plants is that light isn't always able to develop the lower region of the plants, which certainly isn't an issue with the plants situated outside.
Outside of a greenhouse, there is likely to be a variety of factors that can impact the outside crop. A significant aspect is likely to relate to wildlife. Rodents or deer are likely to attempt to eat the plants. Bugs are certain to cause issues. An exposed area is likely to be impacted by poor weather conditions. For some of these reasons it might be more beneficial to use an indoor growth area, but in most cases the finest tasting pot is certain to come from an outdoor set-up. Erecting a fence is certain to help with deterring many of the pests. It is likely to be necessary to visit a plot at regular intervals to make certain that it is still safe and also in times of watering. A soil medium is certain to be beneficial if you aren't able to rely on a greenhouse, since they hydroponic set-up isn't likely to be the most suitable option in the open air, mostly due to the potential of evaporation.
In the process of sourcing an outdoor plot it is important to consider the level of light exposure. A cultivator using the garden will need a good appreciation of the direction in which the sun shines and the period that you are likely to receive direct sunlight throughout the day. Privacy of the garden area is a further aspect to consider. Aim to use an innocuous area that this isn't likely to attract attention but is still able to receive the ideal amount of light on a daily basis. At least you want an area that is able to provide winter sun from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., although a more preferable timeframe is 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Since a gardener is unlikely to make much use of the greenhouse throughout the winter months, you are still able to rely on winter sun for establishing the ideal spring and autumn exposure levels. A south facing garden is certain to be able to benefit from the higher volume of daily sunlight. A garden that is exposed to most sides is in the ideal position to see the higher proportion of direct sunlight. Many experts claim that plant life is able to respond more effectively to morning sunlight as opposed to sunlight in the afternoons only, so you really want to make certain that you are able to locate the site that is able to benefit from morning sun.
It often helps if a greenhouse can be disguised as a work shed or similar by only including a glass, filon, PVC, or white opaque plastic on a single side and the roof, with the remainder of the greenhouse painted in a similar colour to match. Aim to blend in the structure to make certain that it doesn't stick out like a sore thumb. It might be possible to mask the appearance of the greenhouse by growing a significant amount of foliage around the outside.
A sheeting of PVC or filon (corrugated fibreglass) offers the ideal opportunity to cover the young plants that are being cultivated in the garden. It is possible to purchase the clear greenhouse sheets which can then be opaque with the help of an epoxy resin or white wash. This is certain to mean that a higher level of sun is able to penetrate compared to the white filon or PVC. A coating of epoxy resin is certain to help with preserving the materials to ensure that they are able to last for a good number of seasons. A shed can even be disguised to resemble metal if the see-though filon sheet are given a coat of resin tinted paint in a light grey. Avoid using an excessive amount of resin to blocking the suns ability to penetrate.
Make certain to pick a quality site that is able to provide the desired level of topsoil. A grassy field is certain to offer quality soil, but this isn't always the case in a garden area. Quality of soil is certain to make a significant difference in the harvest. A well located plant has the potential to grow to 10 ft, while an average plant might be able to reach 5 ft. Outdoor grown plants is certainly preferable to planting in a pot since the roots are more able to develop and enjoy more nutrients. A garden based plant is certain to be able to achieve better growth performance, although it will be necessary to provide extra space or each of the plants. Since plants can't be moved once planted it would be highly important to create the right growth plan.
Rather than planting directly into the ground it can be possible to use pots outside to make it more straightforward to move them. Also, you can dig a significant hole in the ground to lower the plan height if wishing to keep it below the line of a fence. Pots are certainly desirable for a great number of reasons especially if needing to move a crop at short notice, like needing to call on outside help, like the fire services, appraisers, workmen, etc.
In general it will help if some sort of roof structure is placed over the top of the outdoor plants. If a crop starts to grow above a fence line in the backyard you will have your plants on full display which might cause issues with the local residents. So to avoid a situation of this nature you really want to look at creating an upper limit that the plants are able to grow.
In the process of growing a crop off-site you will certainly find that a significant aspect beyond security it the ability to provide a sufficient supply of water. A close water source is a necessity or it will be necessary to haul the water in at regular intervals. Since water is heavy this is certain to be a very difficult prospect if you have a large crop to water.
An ideal situation would be to locate an area that is close to a river or stream that would be able to supply a sufficient water source without attracting too much attention. A drip system or hose set-up might be possible if you are looking at the options for providing a continuous supply of water for the plants. A hidden hose coming direct from the stream and runs downhill is certain to offer a very creative option for getting the required water supply.