Indoor outdoors growing strategy
A highly efficient solution to energy vs. output is that a large proportion of home gardeners rely on natural, outdoor light for the flowering process and a continuous light source indoors in the process of seed development and vegetative growth. This is likely to help with cutting the energy consumption and avoiding the natural light / dark cycle. A compact-sized greenhouse constructed of PVC sheets or Filon fibreglass is certain to appear much like a tool or storage shed and less likely to raise suspicion.
A larger construction in plywood or metal is likely to be straightforward to modify by installing a luminous roof of plastic sheeting, fibreglass, glass, or PVC, and certain plant strains that aren't dependent on significant light are certain to grow well. A shed of this type is certain to remain discrete and ensure that you are able to keep your business private. It also helps with keeping pests like rodents out and can easily be installed with a lock for security. A large shed is also ideal if planning on planting the seeds in outside soil, and this is effective at avoiding the root-bound plants in those situations of not relying on hydroponics, and could result in a larger harvest.
Throughout the winter period, indoor space is likely to be used in the process of growing the cuttings or new seedlings, which can be removed to the outdoor shed in the springtime to help the plants ripen in natural sunlight. A set-up of this type is likely to result in three greenhouse/outdoor harvests every 12 months. A spacious set-up with the option of constant growth indoors and flowering a second harvest in the shed, a harvest might be possible every 2 months in certain areas. A much smaller inside harvest is also likely to be a possibility.
In the process of year-round production it is essential to appreciate that the plants follow two growth cycles. At the initial stage of germination the plants are entering a vegetative state and require a constant source of light. Throughout this period a dark cycle isn't needed. A plant is able to photosynthesis continuously and that means faster growth compared to being planted outdoors even with the longer evenings. In the dark periods the process of photosynthesis stops and the plants then rely on sugars to help with the development in the evenings. So, providing the constant light (continuous photosynthesis) a much faster growth cycle is achieved.
Once a plant is able to achieve a height in the region of 12 to 18 inches, it can be moved to an outside location, weather permitting, in the spring or autumn to force the plant to start flowering. If planning on flowering outside in the summer months, the night-time is likely to be in need of artificially lengthened to help with forcing the flowering process.
Introducing the plants to light periods of 10 to 13 hours (outside) with no interruption in darkness (free of bright lights) is certain to force the development of the plants growth. It is now able to start to ripen and can be two or three when at the harvesting stage. Once a plant is relocated from a continuous light source to a 10 to 13 hour period outside, it is able to begin the flowering process in expectation of the forthcoming winter. A vegetative start relocated outdoors from the 1st March is likely to be in a ripe state by 1st May. A vegetative start relocated outdoors from the 1st May is likely to be ripe by the 1st July. And those moved outdoors by 1st September and ready to pick up by the 1st November. Operations are likely to move inside throughout the winter and crops are planted at the seed cycle with the expectation of relocating outside the following summer, or merely for some additional winter stash.
Bear in mind that the plants are likely to be required in the time-frame between September and November. By being smart you will make certain to start the major harvest in May, rather than October.